Advocacy Initiatives Archive

AmCham Response to Tendering in Publicly Financed Medicines (Blåreseptordning)

AmCham responded to the Hearing on Tendering in Publicly Financed Medicines, arguing against the introduction of a tendering pilot program. We encourage the Norwegian government to carry out a thorough assessment prior to the program’s implementation. This is necessary given the foundational regulations changes the program demands, as well as the broad impact of this program both domestically and within the international ecosystem.

Letter to Ministry of Justice Regarding Travel Restrictions

AmCham urged the Ministry of Justice to acknowledge US CDC vaccination cards as valid verification of vaccination status, as well as to open the borders to US travellers. The US represents Norway’s third largest trading partner outside of the EU and their access to the Norwegian market is crucial to upholding this.

Letter Regarding US Wine Deliveries

In support of our wine importer members we submitted a letter to Vinmonopolet requesting they not exclude American wines from their shelves that are experiencing delayed delivery due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

AmCham Response to KrF Document 8 Proposition 40 on the Evaluation of New Methods

AmCham fully supports KrF Document 8:40s (2021-2022) for the return of the Evaluation of the Decision Forum for New Methods to Parliament. There is a clear connection between national access policy and current political goals of facilitating innovation and growth, attracting foreign investment, building up national pharmaceutical stocks and production, and increasing the number of clinical trials taking place in Norway.

Response to Proba’s Evaluation of New Methods Reference Group

AmCham submitted a letter to Proba in reference to their recently published reference group in their evaluation of New Methods, advocating for broader representation for the private industry and trade.

AmCham Position Paper: Technology Industry

The recent pace of digitalization has led to drastic growth within the technology industry, and thereby a desire to restructure the international frameworks within which the industry operates. AmCham Norway presents this Position Paper on the Technology Industry in support of further strengthening the digital ecosystem of Norway and encouraging increased value creation across sectors.

A Call for Stable and Predictable Conditions: VAT Compensation for International Schools

International schools play an important role in attracting talent to Norway from abroad and supporting industries with common international employments domestically. In October 2020, AmCham Norway advocated for the development of sustainable economic framework conditions for international school, including the legal right to receive VAT compensation.

Høring: Åpenhet om legemiddelpriser, åpenhet i legemiddelhonorarer og åpenhet om enhetspriser på legemidlere

AmCham appeared before a parliamentary hearing examining the confidentiality of pharmaceutical discount pricing, arguing that, “AmCham sees no particular reason why there should be a difference in the public procurement of pharmaceuticals as compared to procurements within other sectors – or the health sector in general.”

Hearing: Unit Prices on Pharmaceuticals

AmCham participated in the hearing process for new routines connected to the treatment of unit prices on pharmaceuticals.

Sugar Tax: Appeal to halt imbalanced tax implementation pending essential consequence analysis

AmCham sent letters to the Minister of Finance, Siv Jensen; Minister of Trade and Industry, Monica Mæland; Minister of Health and Care Services, Bent Høie; and the standing committee on Business and Industry.

AmCham expressed its concern about the dramatic tax increase proposed for non-alcoholic beverages, chocolates and some confectionery products and appealing for them to halt the imbalanced Product Tax implementation.

Hearing: Privacy Shield

Managing Director Jason Turflinger wrote to Minister of Justice & Public Security Anders Anundsen on EU-US negotiations over Privacy Shield, encouraging him to support the rapid adoption of the Shield to promote business and protect consumers.

Advocacy Initiatives - United States


AmCham's Comments to Senators and Members of congress Regarding the Proposed Budget Cuts to the US Department of Commerce and Department of State

Managing Director Jason Turflinger wrote to Senator Bernie Sanders, the ranking member on the US Senate Committee on The Budget, to express AmCham’s concerns about proposed budget cuts for the Department of Commerce and Department of State.

Advocacy Initiatives - European Union


EDPB Recommendations Letter

AmCham sent a letter on behalf of member companies requesting clearer language surrounding Datatilsynet’s evaluation of the legality of the use of Cloud Services.

Response to the EDPB's Recommendations Relating to Data Transfer Protection

On behalf of our technology industry members, AmCham Norway provided comments on the European Data Protection Board’s recommendations on measures that supplement transfer tools to ensure compliance with the EU level of protection of personal data.

Letter to the European Commission: European Intellectual Property (IP) Incentives Review

In concert with AmCham EU and several other European AmCham’s, AmCham Norway wrote to the European Commission to express their concerns regarding the European intellectual property (IP) incentives review.