Tag Archives: PWC

E24: Store omveltninger – Det er meldt flere handler

Giganter som ExxonMobil forlater Norge, mens nye aktører bygger seg opp. Partner Daniel Rennemo i PwC venter flere kjøp, salg og børsnoteringer de neste årene.

Siden starten for 50 år siden har aktørbildet på norsk sokkel vært i stadig endring.

For 20 år siden var det bare 28 selskaper på sokkelen, men etter hvert som oljeprisen steg utover 2000-tallet ble en mengde nye selskaper prekvalifisert som operatører og rettighetshavere.

For ti år siden var hadde antallet selskap økt til 50, med Statoil, BP og ExxonMobil som noen av de største.

I 2019 har aktørbildet igjen endret seg mye.

Ved inngangen til året hadde antallet aktører på sokkelen falt til 39.

Og mens flere av oljegigantene er ute, har en ny generasjon selskaper snappet til seg eiendelene deres – og vokst seg store.

Les hele saken HER.

Summary AmCham Norway’s 16th Annual Golf Tournament

22 teams enjoyed a spirited competition and comradery at Losby Golf Club as we hosted our 16th annual golf tournament, with Patron member Sapa’s team eventually claiming the prestigious Søderstrøm Cup and round-way trip to the U.S., courtesy of United.


Warm-up: 22 teams gathered for the pre-tournament announcements.

A packed flight of 88 players worked their way through a tough 18-holes, with some added chances for individual prizes along the way – such as Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive and a Putting competition, before enjoying a well-prepared BBQ dinner and the awards ceremony.

The top seven places received prizes for their efforts, with Team Sapa narrowly edging Team Badger OS to claim the first prize through two strokes on the final nine, after both teams ended on an equal 61, 7 score. Team McDonald’s secured the third place.


Seven individual prizes were also awarded, as Kjell Nordby and James McGovern, both from the U.S. Embassy team, claimed two of the three Closest to the Pin prizes with Morten Haukedal from Team Global Blue, collecting the third.

Furthermore, August Karlseng, Team Elavon and Siri Jetzel, Team Google, won the Longest Drive competition for men and women respectively, before Barrie Kirk, team Badger OS and Brede Svarem from Team U.S. Embassy went head-to-head in the put-off competition.

Being the only two players to successfully read the green, Svarem and Kirk had the honor of concluding the last event of the day. In the increasingly heavy rain, Brede Svarem sunk his put and could consequently celebrate winning a dinner for ten people including free shuffle board time, courtesy of Hard Rock Café.


Focus: Brede Svarem from Team U.S. Embassy sunk this put to claim the put-off prize.

We would like to thank all participants and sponsors for their sportsmanship, enthusiasm and generosity as one of the country’s largest corporate golf tournaments would not be a reality without you.

In addition to this year’s lead sponsors, we would also like to thank our following partners for their generous product support:

Coca-Cola – Carlson Rezidor – Lockheed Martin – Losby Golf Club – Sapa – Grant Thornton – Frank Grønsund Agentur – Hard Rock Cafe Oslo – Hardanger Bestikk.

Final Results:

Team Sapa
Team Badger OS
Team McDonald’s

Closest to pin:

Hole six: Kjell Nordby (Team U.S. Embassy)
Hole eight: Kjell Nordby (Team Badger OS)
Hole 10: James McGovern (Team U.S. Embassy)

Longest Drive:

Men: August Karlseng (Team Elavon)

Women: Siri Jetzel (Team Google)

Put Off:

Brede Varem (Team U.S. Embassy)


Winners: Team United is handed the trophy by Jan Søderstrøm.