Tag Archives: HBR

Harvard Business Review: Assessing Coronavirus’s Impact on Your Business Model

When a crisis like the coronavirus pandemic hits an organization, its executives need to assess the impact on their business model, both immediately and over the long term. A framework we’ve developed over a decade of teaching can help executives identify the business-model risks and opportunities that the crisis presents.

To start, you’ll look at the four core dimensions of your business model: customers, value propositions, value demonstrations, and capabilities. Second, you’ll analyze the connections between these dimensions. Third, you’ll define realistic objectives for your organization, during and after the crisis. (You may want to consider different objectives for different crisis scenarios,  such as fast crisis recovery vs. long lockdown period.)

Read entire article HERE.

Harvard Business Review: How to Keep Your Team Motivated, Remotely

Many leaders have crossed the first hurdles of moving their teams remote: ensuring colleagues have set up their tech tools, defined their processes, and permanently logged into their video conference accounts.

But this is just the first step towards creating an effective work environment for remote employees. The next critical question we must ask is: How do you motivate people who work from home?

This question is important now because, during crises such as Covid-19, people often tend to focus more on tactical work — answering the right number of tickets, or following the approved project plan — rather than adapting to solve the bigger, newer problems the business may be facing.

Read entire article HERE.