AmCham Digitalization Forum: Keeping the Transatlantic Digital Economy Connected

Register Now – Wednesday, March 3 – 9:00-10:00 – Teams

AmCham’s long-running Digitalization Forum was initiated to foster leaders’ digital transformation confidence and inspire cross-industry collaboration. Ongoing and escalating US-Europe data transfer challenges are, however, eliciting the opposite effect – at a time when Covid-necessitated digital transformation is spearheading economic recovery.

  • When will Privacy Shield be updated – and what happens in the meantime?
  • Can SME’s be expected to bear the burden of data transfer recommendations indefinitely?
  • How can we keep the transatlantic digital economy connected and thriving on behalf of us all?

Please join special guest Bjørn Erik Thon, Director at Datatilsynet, as we address these and related digital collaboration concerns.

As participation will be limited to optimize virtual interaction, please register your interest in attending below. One representative per member company, please.