Tag Archives: 2020 Elections

In a Biden Administration, Multilateral Trade Deals Make Sense

In a Biden Administration, Multilateral Trade Deals Make Sense

On December 9, AmChams Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden hosted a 2020 election results and preview of the Biden-Harris administration webinar with veteran White House correspondent Jon Decker.

As the US prepares for the January 20th presidential inauguration, Decker detailed how recent electoral results reveal states’ shifting political balance – and prospects for bi-partisan collaboration both in and with the still developing 117th Congress.

Decker and AmCham leads jointly examined new administration priorities within foreign policy, energy, corporate tax rates, work visas, manufacturing, agriculture, finance and healthcare. “Joe Biden campaigned on an aggressive climate agenda – it orders the US back into the Paris Climate Agreement. That will happen within Biden’s first 100 days in office,” projected Decker. “I have no doubt.”

Further, “when you consider the people that have already been named as a part of the Biden foreign policy team, including Secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken, multilateral trade deals make sense,” continued Decker, with emphasis on renewed TPP and TTIP efforts.

More on the 2020 US Elections