“The US will remain one of Norway’s most important trading partners in the years to come. However, we shall not take our trade relations for granted. My ministry therefore gives high priority to continuing our good dialogue with our American colleagues. We also appreciate the work that AmCham does to strengthen business cooperation between our countries. Going forward, I look forward to continuing our close cooperation.”

– Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, Minister of Trade and industry

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AmCham is about deriving the maximum value and getting the most out of your companies’ commitment to doing business in Norway. AmCham offers extensive and credible connections in the political and business arenas. You can use this network to connect, communicate and stay on top of specific issues that impact your business- and to be heard on those issues. Our strong international company base broadens the business community’s perspectives, interests and actions. Through AmCham initiatives, companies work together to make a difference across borders and sectors.