US Election Series: How American Public Opinion Will Shape the Next US Administration with Bruce Stokes

The 2020 US presidential election is shaping up to be one of the most tightly contested in American history, fueled by a diverse range of concurrent issues, including COVID-19, civil unrest, and a recession:

How will the Trump-fueled evolution of US political discourses on globalization, immigration, and international trade influence the Trump or Biden administration after the election?

Will Biden, in an attempt to win votes in critical Midwest swing states like Michigan and Wisconsin, take a tougher stance on trade – and will this stance translate to a more trade-skeptical Biden administration?

In collaboration with our fellow Nordic AmChams and as part of our 2020 US Election Series, AmCham Norway proudly presents Bruce Stokes, Non-Resident Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund in Washington D.C., to help answer these and related concerns impacting us all.

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October 5 @ 15:00
15:00 — 16:00 (1h)

Microsoft Teams

AmCham Norway