Building the Norwegian Healthcare Industry: Turning Visions into Reality (Arendalsuka)

As patients, our needs are simple. We want to be well and, when we get sick, we want the best treatment so we get better as soon as possible, get home to our families and lead a good life with the right support.

How, then, can Norwegian patients benefit by a closer partnership between healthcare authorities and healthcare innovators? What are the key opportunities and obstacles to growing a dynamic, internationally oriented industrial base similar to those our Nordic neighbors have?

With the recent watershed release of the Norwegian government’s ambitious Health Industry whitepaper, there has never been a better opportunity to turn Norwegian healthcare visions into reality. Patients, providers, authorities and industry all stand to benefit – IF cooperation expands considerably.

Join political representatives and healthcare industry leaders for an honest conversation on building a viable healthcare industry for us all!

The meeting will be hosted in English to accommodate our international directors and guests. Contributing partners include AbbVie, Amgen, BMS, Eli Lilly, GE Healthcare, Janssen, MSD, Pfizer, and Roche. Additional guest speakers to be announced.

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August 14 @ 15:40
15:40 — 16:50 (1h 10′)



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