
COVID-19 has shaken markets, creating challenges and uncertainty for businesses across all 22 of AmCham’s industry groups. The AmCham COVID-19 Resource Center aims to bring together the latest reports and best practices from our member companies to ensure that you have the information you need to operate with confidence as the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve in the coming months. 


COVID-19 Elevates the Value of Responsible Investing

Webinar Recording: Government compensation for fixed costs

Kompensasjonskalkulator: beregn hvor mye støtte din bedrift kan få

Praktisk oversikt over midlertidige regler på selskapsrettens område som følge av koronaviruset

Selmer Korona Task Force

Eirik Høiby – Pandemic implications in general, force majeure, litigation, and contracts

Gro Løge – Pandemic implications in general, force majeure, and contracts

André Istad Johansen – Employment law

Tor HerdleværReconstruction and financing

Nils Kristian Einstabland – IP/IT, contracts, and distribution

COVID-19: Q&A for businesses

Selmer Koronahjelp - free legal counseling for small businesses, organizations, and associations

Conquer Coronavirus, Keep the Creativity

Retooling Strategy for a Post-Pandemic World

Impacts on Foreign Businesses

Coronavirus Report - Powered by SAS® Viya®

Coronavirus Insights Page

COVID-19 Insights & Data Tracking

IBM Keep It Simple (KIS) Technology Podcast

The IBM Keep It Simple (KIS) Technology Podcast  explain stechnology in a simple way so everyone understands and benefits. We interview top leaders from around the world getting their insights on technology and how-to be a better leader.

COVID-19 and beyond: Open Government Solutions

A panel of public sector experts discusses their use of open source technologies in response to COVID-19, for faster services and greater control, at scale.

Humidity: the surprising factor that can impact employee wellbeing

COVID-19: Government Advisories and Carrier Bans

Stay Safe at Scandic

Gratis rådgivning

COVID-19: Practical workforce strategies that put your people first

Resources to Effectively Lead Amid COVID-19

About the corona situation - UDI

The Coronavirus situation -

State-by-State Business Reopening Guidance

Information on the CARES Act (US COVID-19 Relief Bill)

Artificial intelligence model detects asymptomatic Covid-19 infections through cellphone-recorded coughs

Pandemics Depress the Economy, Public Health Interventions Do Not: Evidence from the 1918 Flu

Spørsmål og svar om koronavaksiner

AI for Health | Microsoft AI

Innovation Enlisted in the Coronavirus Fight: A State-by-State Analysis

COVID-19 News

Strawberry avslutter Freia-boikott

Stordalens hoteller vil igjen ta inn Melkesjokolade og Firkløver. Konsernsjefen skulle ønske at flere selskaper hadde stått lenger i boikotten. Hotellkonsernet har boikottet Freia-eier Mondelez

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AmCham Sustainability Forum: Plastics & Aviation

AmCham’s latest Sustainability Forum, hosted by NHO, brought together members representing diverse industries to learn about the NHO’s newly launched single-use plastic products partnership and from Avinor on how Norway is ideally suited as an international test arena for zero and low-emission aircraft.

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