
The AmCham Norway Story

The American Chamber of Commerce in Norway (AmCham) was formally constituted as a Norwegian business association in 1998. Our roots, however, extend back to 1958 when the American Club was founded in Oslo.

In 1999, AmCham and the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce (NACC Oslo) merged. The merger was an important step for American-Norwegian business at the threshold of the new millennium.

We are proud to have advanced transatlantic business for the past 65 years. With a broad range of member-backed initiatives, we look forward to working on behalf of our growing community for many years to come.

Past Presidents & Chairs

Erling Bergendahl 1958-1966

Derek L. Blix 1966-1969

Harald Flaata 1969-1971

Finn Owren 1971-1974

Rolf A. Sættem 1974-1975

John C. Ausland 1975-1977

Lloyd D. Chapman 1977-1978

Knut B. Andersen 1978-1980

Samuel D. Mandeville 1980-1983

John P. Wheatly 1983-1988

Kenneth Burton 1988-1990

Tor Dahl 1990-1994

Berit M Sjølund 1994-1997

Rolf C. A. Röding 1997-2000

Tony Gordon 2000-2001

William N. Nunn 2001-2004

John Ustas 2004-2006

André Demarest 2006-2008

Gunnar Rødal 2008-2010

Jan Grønbech 2010-2014

Pål Rokke 2014-2020

Rajji Mehdwan 2020-2021

Ketil Nordengen 2021-Current