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DN: Nå kommer 390 flasker fra denne amerikanske vinlegenden til polet

For andre gang gjennom tidene kan du få kjøpt Cathy Corisons tre viner i Norge. Vinmonopolet tar inn totalt 390 flasker.

Ingen andre i Californias Napa Valley lager viner av druen cabernet sauvignon med samme finesse og raffinement som Cathy Corison (65).

Hun har akkurat lagt sin årgang nummer 40 på fat, og årgang nummer 33 under eget navn. Men det var langt fra noen selvfølge at Corison skulle ende som en av de mest legendariske vinmakerne i USA. Interessen ble vekket mens hun studerte biologi ved University of California i Davis, en småby nordøst for San Francisco.

Les hele saken HER.

The Explorer: Enormous potential in floating solar

Floating solar is on the rise. With Norway’s extensive experience and history from the maritime, offshore and energy industries, the country is well equipped to lead technological development in this segment.

The world’s demand for electricity will double by 2050. At the same time, the share of fossil energy in the energy mix must be reduced. According to the classification society DNV GL, 70 per cent of electricity demand will have to be covered by solar and wind power if we are to achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement.

“At present, solar energy only covers a small percentage of this demand. There is enormous potential here, and it is important to me that Norway participates in this growth,” says Inger Strand.

Read entire article HERE.

Government: APA 2019: New High Award Secures Further Exploration of the Norwegian Continental Shelf

The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy offers 69 production licenses on the Norwegian continental shelf in the Award in Pre-Defined Areas 2019 (APA 2019).

– I am proud to offer 69 new production licenses in this year’s APA round. The companies show great interest in further access to new exploration acreage. This means that the industry believes in future value creation on the Norwegian continental shelf, says Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Sylvi Listhaug.

The 69 production licenses are located in the North Sea (33), the Norwegian Sea (23) and the Barents Sea (13). A total of 28 different oil companies, ranging from the large international majors to smaller domestic exploration companies, are offered ownership interests in one or more production licenses. Of these, 19 will be offered operatorships. The licenses are awarded with work-programme commitments or as additional areas to such licenses.

– Hopefully, the exploration in the awarded acreage will result in new discoveries. This is important to ensure employment, value-creation and future government revenue for Norway’s largest industry, says Listhaug.

The APA licensing rounds cover the most explored areas on the Norwegian shelf. One of the primary challenges in mature areas is the expected decline in discovery size.

Smaller discoveries may not be able to carry standalone developments, but can have good profitability when making use of existing and planned infrastructure. It can also be seen in context with other discoveries or planned developments. Timely discovery and exploitation of such resources is therefore important. 


The first licensing round on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) took place in 1965. The activity started in the North Sea, and exploration in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea started around 15 years later. Thus, Norway will soon have more than 40 years of experience in all sea-areas on the NCS.

Approximately 225 000 people are today directly or indirectly engaged in the Norwegian petroleum sector. The competence and the competitiveness in the industry also produces positive ripple effects into other industries. Since the first oil-discovery was made, the sector has contributed with over 14 900 billion NOK in value creation. It has also given the Norwegian state a net cash-flow of over 6 450 billion NOK since the start of the new millennium. The State’s net cash-flow in 2020 from the petroleum sector is estimated to be approximately 245 billion NOK. That equals approximately 185 000 NOK for a family of four.

The award of new exploration acreage takes place in two equal licensing rounds. The numbered rounds takes place in the least known exploration areas, which for all practical purposes now means remaining parts of the deep-water areas in the Norwegian Sea and parts of the Barents Sea. Acreage in the best-known exploration areas is awarded in the annual APA-rounds. As a consequence of the fact that exploration has been going on for decades, the majority of the North Sea, large parts of the Norwegian Sea and an increasing area in the Barents Sea is now included in the APA-rounds.

The only difference in the process for the two rounds is in how the authorities stipulates the applicable area. In the numbered rounds, this happens after proposals (nominations) from the companies. This gives the authorities the best possible basis for announcing the areas that will give the most information about the regional geology and thus, effective exploration. This approach is not needed in the APA-rounds, where the key challenge is to identify resources in a timely manner in order to best utilise existing and planned infrastructure in the area.

The petroleum activity on the NCS is conducted with great emphasis on health, safety and the environmental standards. Exploration, development and production takes place with low emissions to air. Greenhouse gas-emissions is a part of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). In addition, a high CO–tax is paid.  This policy gives the companies financial incentives to reduce their own emissions, as recently demonstrated by the industry’s initiative to cut emissions from the activities on the NCS. In a system like the ETS, the only way to reduce total emissions is to reduce the number of quotas available.

The level of safety on the NCS is high, and normal exploration-activities, development and production has no proven negative effects on the natural environment. As with all other industrial activity, petroleum activities leads to the risk of accidents with consequences for employees lives and health, loss of established infrastructure and the natural habitat. Great emphasis has therefore been made to avoid large-scale accidents.  

Potential damage to the natural environment is limited to large accidental oil spills. The probability of an oil-well blow-out is estimated to be one in more than every 7000 exploration wells drilled. On the NCS, approximately 50 wells are drilled each year. There has been very few larger oil spills on the NCS. There are requirements in place for emergency preparedness in order to reduce the consequences in the event of an accidental oil spill. Restrictions have in addition been placed on exploration drilling in oil-bearing layers for parts of the year. During 50 years of petroleum activities, no accidental oil spills have reached Norwegian shores, and no damage to the marine environment has been proven.

  1. Map
  2. Awards with work-programme

Offer of licenses to 28 licensees

(Number of licenses /operatorships)

Aker BP (15/9)

AS Norske Shell (5/2)

Capricorn (3/3)

Chrysaor (8/3)

Concedo (4/0)

ConocoPhillips (5/3)

DNO (10/2)

Edison (2/1)

Equinor (23/14)

Idemitsu (2/0)

INEOS (2/1)

Lime (2/0)

Lotos (2/0)

Lundin (12/7)

Neptune (13/4)

OKEA (5/2)

OMV (4/1)

ONE-Dyas (3/0)

Pandion (3/0)

PGNiG (3/0)

Repsol (1/0)

Source (3/0)

Spirit (6/1)

Suncor (5/2)

Total (2/1)

Vår Energi (17/7)

Wellesley (7/3) 

Wintershall Dea (9/3)

Bloomberg: Richest Nordic Nation Gets Banking Giant After Rates Diverge

Norway is the only Scandinavian country that never resorted to negative interest rates. It now seems clear that its monetary policy choices helped its biggest bank.

DNB ASA, which is based in Oslo, has enjoyed growth in recent years as most of its biggest competitors have fallen behind. Its share price has swelled so much that it now vies with Nordea Bank Abp for the title of biggest Nordic bank by market value.

Read entire article HERE.

Lite olje- og gassfunn nær Balderfeltet i Nordsjøen

ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS, operatør for utvinningstillatelse 917, har avsluttet boring av undersøkelsesbrønn 25/7-8 S.

Brønnen er boret om lag 10 kilometer nordvest for Balderfeltet i midtre del av Nordsjøen, og 200 kilometer vest for Stavanger.

Primært letemål for brønnen var å påvise petroleum i nedre jura og øvre trias reservoarbergarter (Nansen-, Eiriksson- og Skagerrakformasjonen). Sekundært letemål var å påvise petroleum i midtre jura reservoarbergarter (Hugin- og Sleipnerformasjonen).

Les hele saken HER.

Regjeringen: Nikolai Astrup blir bærekraftsminister

Digitaliseringsminister Nikolai Astrup får ansvar for å koordinere Norges oppfølging av bærekraftsmålene.

I 2015 ble alle FNs medlemsland enige om 17 mål for bærekraftig utvikling. Bærekraftsmålene sier blant annet at verden skal bekjempe ulikhet, stoppe klimaendringene, sikre rene og sunne hav, og sørge for god utdanning for alle barn innen 2030.

– Bærekraftsmålene gjelder alle land og alle deler av samfunnet. Også Norge. Vi har et stort ansvar for å bidra til oppnåelsen av bærekraftsmålene innen 2030 – både her hjemme og i resten av verden, sier digitaliseringsminister Nikolai Astrup.

Nå får han et særlig ansvar for å koordinere regjeringens arbeid med å sørge for at Norge når målene innen 2030.

– Mange tror at det bare er utviklingslandene som må jobbe med å nå bærekraftsmålene. Det stemmer ikke. Vi har også utfordringer, og vi må jobbe kontinuerlig for å sikre en bærekraftig utvikling.

Bærekraftsagendaen består av 17 ulike mål og 169 delmål. Digitaliseringsministeren vil sette i gang et arbeid for å kartlegge hvordan Norge ligger an med oppnåelsen av målene så langt.

– Jeg tror at Norge har en vei å gå på flere områder. For eksempel når vi ikke bærekraftsmål 3 om god helse før vi reduserer antall selvmord. Og vi når ikke bærekraftsmål 4 om god utdanning til alle før vi sikrer at alle fullfører skolegangen. En viktig del av mitt nye ansvarsområde blir å kartlegge hvor vi står i dag, og stake ut kursen fremover, sier Astrup.

Regjeringen har allerede pekt ut noen områder som er særlig viktige for Norge i årene som kommer, noe som også ble løftet frem av statsministeren i hennes nyttårstale 1. januar.

– Vi skal jobbe med klima og hav, vi skal styrke arbeidet knyttet til bedre psykisk helse, kampen mot selvmord, og øke innsatsen mot ulikhet, barnefattigdom og frafall i skolen, sier Erna Solberg.

Bærekraftsmålene henger tett sammen. Fremgang innenfor ett mål er ofte avhengig av fremgang innenfor flere andre mål. Målene vil kun bli innfridd med innsats fra flere departementer, offentlige virksomheter på alle nivåer, sivilsamfunn og næringsliv. Derfor er koordineringen viktig.

– Norge har kommet langt og det gjøres allerede mye godt arbeid. Men vi er kanskje ikke bevisste nok på hvordan det vi jobber med henger sammen med bærekraftsmålene. Astrups jobb blir å se disse sammenhengene og sørge for at vi jobber så effektivt og målrettet som mulig, sier Solberg.

FNs generalsekretær har utnevnt statsminister Erna Solberg til leder for FNs pådrivergruppe for bærekraftsmålene sammen med Ghanas president. Norge har gjennom mange år gjort en betydelig innsats for bærekraftsmålene internasjonalt. Astrup vil jobbe tett sammen med utviklingsministeren og utenriksministeren, som har ansvar for det internasjonale arbeidet med bærekraftsmålene. En viktig del av arbeidet vil blant annet være den årlige rapporteringen om bærekraftsmålene til FN.

– Jeg gleder meg til å ta fatt på denne spennende oppgaven! Bærekraftsmålene var en sentral del av jobben som utviklingsminister, og nå ser jeg frem til å jobbe med hvordan målene skal innfris i Norge, sier Astrup.

Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementets pressetelefon: 22 24 25 00 

AmCham Financial Forum – January 2020

AmCham Financial Forum - January 2020

AmCham welcomed financial leads from Accenture, AIG, GIEK, Harvey Nash, IBM, Kluge, KPMG, Manpower, OSM Aviation, Pfizer, Sonitor, TGI Friday’s, and Verizon to Raise Gruppen‘s downtown Oslo offices for the first AmCham Financial Forum of 2020.

The Power of Hair - What Business Are We Really In?

Raise Gruppen CEO Christinah Nicolaisen and group CFO Camilla Hem started off the forum with an overview of the company, focusing on how their services and products have evolved and diversified over time – a business transformation that has not only helped the company thrive in an increasingly competitive market, but also successfully make the jump to the United States.

“We don’t simply talk about haircuts, but rather something that defines and builds confidence. We’re not just in the hair and skin care business, we’re in the identity business,” noted Nicolaisen.

Hem then walked participants through the financial, HR, and branding challenges Raise Gruppen is encountering as they continue to expand stateside. The presentation underscored how important it is for financial leads to understand the entirety of their businesses when undergoing expansion in a foreign market.

Digitalization and Automation – Where to Start?

OSM Aviation CFO Anders Bakken then led a roundtable discussion on the importance of people in developing financial systems to cope with rapid growth, sharing perspectives from OSM’s own rapid international expansion.

Bakken’s insights resonated with many of those in attendance, who noted that they also found the development of process-driven strategies with clearly defined outcomes as a critical component in successfully implementing digital strategies. In this regard, noted one participant, Scandinavia is at the forefront of adopting such strategies – a positive note for continued Norwegian competitiveness in the sector.

Discussion then addressed the importance of recruiting talent with a passion for change, dedicated professionals that understand the ins and outs of digital solutions on a global scale. “It’s all about people,” proclaimed Bakken, before going on to note younger, less experienced workers who are passionate about innovation can be more valuable than older, more experienced workers less open to change and adaptation.

AmCham would like to thank Raise Gruppen for graciously hosting and facilitating this instalment of our Financial Forum. We look forward to our next forum gathering, which will focus upon outsourcing  and the importance of connectivity within the financial industry.

About the Financial Forum

The AmCham Financial Forum is a platform that gives financial leaders the opportunity to interact, share best practices, and learn from each other – building a better understanding of what it takes to run a successful international finance department in Norway. Our Q2 Financial Forum is in the works – for interest in participating, please contact

FlightGlobal: All-Electric Quantum Air choses OSM to train its pilots

OSM Aviation Academy, a Scandinavian training company with a location in San Diego, says that start-up air taxi operator Quantum Air has chosen the academy as a preferred pilot training partner.

Los-Angeles-based Quantum Air said in August that it had placed an order for 22 of the four-seat eFlyer 4 electric aircraft from Bye Aerospace. The company aims to transform on-demand urban travel by becoming the first all-electric airline, its website says.

Read entire article HERE.

TV2: For første gang i historien har Norge et praksissamarbeid med NASA, tilrettelagt av Norsk Romsenter

For første gang i historien har Norge et praksissamarbeid med NASA, tilrettelagt av Norsk Romsenter. Tidligere i november ble det klart hvem som skal reise til USA etter nyttår.

– Vi fikk 19 søkere. Vi valgte ut de vi syntes var de beste kandidatene, det ble syv stykker, og sendte dem videre til NASA. Videre plukket de ut dem de mente passet best til sine prosjekter, forklarer Pål Brekke, som er fagsjef for romforskning ved Norsk Romsenter, og selv har jobbet seks år hos NASA.

Les hele saken HER.