
Press Release: Bristol-Myers Squibb Completes Acquisition of Celgene, Creating a Leading Biopharma Company

Category: Business News

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (NYSE:BMY) announced today that it has completed its acquisition of Celgene Corporation (NASDAQ:CELG) following the receipt of regulatory approval from all government authorities required by the merger agreement and, as announced on April 12, 2019, approval by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Celgene stockholders. Upon completion of the acquisition, pursuant to the […]

Source: Bristol-Myers Squibb


The Top-50 biopharmaceutical investors in the world.


Category: Health

The European Commission (@EU_Commission) Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard 2017/18 comprises of the 2,500 private-sector companies investing the largest sums in research and development in the world . These companies, based in 46 countries, invested a total of €736.4 Bn which is approximately 90% of the world’s business-funded R&D. The Scoreboard included 154 biopharmaceuticals manufacturers, contributing a total of €138.9 Bn […]

Source: Health Informatics


Bristol-Myers kjøper Celgene for 647 milliarder kroner


Category: Health

Legemiddelselskapet Bristol-Myers Squibb har inngått en avtale om å kjøpe opp bioteknologiselskapet Celgene i en avtale verdt rundt 74 milliarder dollar, tilsvarende 647 milliarder kroner. Det skriver Bristol-Myers i en børsmelding. Til sammenligning er Norges mest verdifulle selskap, Equinor, verdt 629 milliarder kroner torsdag ettermiddag. Avtalen innebærer at aksjonærene i Celgene får en aksje i […]

Source: E24


Abbvie: Helsenæring


Category: Government

AmCham members Abbvie recently launched a magazine highlighting the advantages of an expanded and innovative research-based health industry in Norway.    

Source: Abbvie


Trenger vi en sterk norsk innovasjonsbasert helsenæring?


Category: Health

Hvis man skal kåre et nytt trendord i 2018 ville jeg foreslått «Helsenæring». Det var et tema som gikk igjen under årets Arendalsuke og det er ingen tvil om at det er stort fokus på å bygge en sterk helsenæring i Norge. Regjeringen skal ha mye av æren for dette og det er forventet at […]

Source: Dagens Medisin

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