IP & Innovation

IBM inngår partnerskap med NCE Media


Category: Communications/PR/Media

IBM er valgt som teknologipartner for NCE Media, og medieklyngens innovasjonslaboratorium, MCB Media Lab, skal baseres på skyteknologi fra IBM. I januar 2018 flytter også IBM sine over 60 ansatte i Bergen til Media City Bergen(MCB). Den nye medielaben blir en viktig innovasjons- og utviklingsarena. MCB Media Lab blir selve innovasjonshjertet i medieklyngen der MCBs mange aktører utvikler […]

Source: My News Desk


Digital business blues: Creating success through transitions


Category: IP & Innovation

Due to the constantly changing demands of businesses and consumers—combined with the power and ubiquity of technology—business leaders all around the world, from the Nordics and Europe to the Americas, recognize that innovation is crucial for the survival of their organizations. According to Forrester Research, this transition into the digital age is expected to have […]

Source: Norwegian American


Entrepreneurial diplomat of the year


Category: Government

Consul General Elin Bergithe Rognlie has been named Entrepreneurial Diplomat of the Year. Norway’s former Consul General in New York was honored for her work and dedication to promoting Norwegian startups and businesses. This week she was named Entrepreneurial Diplomat of the Year by Innovation Norway and the Ministry for Trade, Industry and Fisheries. – Rognlie has […]



GE Healthcare’s T-CELL: The Universe’s Tiniest Superhero May Be Most Powerful Of All


Category: Health

The Xuri (TM) Cell Expansion System gently rocks cells to distribute nutrients and air to help them grow big and strong. Part human, his super power lets him instantly identify the villains he’s been sent after from the good guys who must remain untouched. He slips around the first of them, undetected.  With precision he […]

Source: GE Healthcare


– En fallitterklæring for samfunnet vårt


Category: Government

Karita Bekkemellem i Legemiddelindustrien (LMI) om nedgangen i klinisk forskning i Norge. Antallet pasienter som deltar i kliniske studier i Norge har sunket drastisk de siste ti årene, slik Dagens Medisin skriver. I samme periode har andre europeiske land og USA økt sin satsing på området. Det viser en rapport fra Mecon Economics som ble presentert […]

Source: Dagens Medisin

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